3 D G A L A X Y M A P


  • Achievements, missions and highlights
    • able to place a flag of your choosing after you land. See if you were the first or what other flags are placed
    • missions to explore and place flags. Get achievements for visiting each type of planet
    • Get an extra ship/some bonus feature if you complete missions
    • a list in the explore menu of interesting places to visit (like oblate stars, puffy planets, dark planets)
  • Database reimport - more stars, planets, added exomoons and rogue planets - DONE
  • Fly inside gas giants - DONE
  • Fly around stars/black holes/magnetars
    • ship is attracted to black holes when flying and gets destroyed if you go too close
  • Add gravity - DONE
  • Pair types improvements - warp to the orbit of contact binaries
  • Make all stellar black holes like pair types - DONE
  • Spawn trees/rocks/other environment objects once you get closer to land
  • Earthlike improvements - DONE
  • Underwater improvements - DONE
  • Add time slider for the player, so you can see sunrises and sunsets on planets - DONE
  • Male soldier and an Alien character and a menu to switch between characters
  • Cockpits, ship customizations (different colors) and better ship switching menu
  • UI Comparison - choose to change infopanel compare defaults. Compare Tau Ceti with Epsilon Eridani, compare 55 Cancri b with TRAPPIST-1 b